Monday, February 28, 2011

March is the New January!

Well, first things first. I weighed in on Saturday and I'm at 161.4, so I've gained two pounds. I'm actually pretty okay with this as I haven't worked out in ages and I went to a crop over the long President's Day weekend. I left Thursday afternoon and didn't get back until Monday morning.

There was snacking involved! LOL! I was actually pretty good, I ate salads for lunch every day up there and tried to keep the snacking to a decent level. Oh, and I stopped at Burgerville on the way up. Cheeseburger basket, baby! :)

Anyway, my shin splints are completely gone and I'm going to hop back on the treadmill in the morning. I'm planning on running my C25K workouts on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday and walking for 30 minutes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I'll still take Sunday's off.

I'm also going to have salads for dinner as well as lunch but only about every other day. I'm hoping this will be enough to help me lose seven pounds before April 4th, Audrey's second b-day!

Wish me luck!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Well, poop.

:) Sorry I didn't post this weekend.

I weighed in on time though! 159.2 Better than I expected. I was a bit afraid that I'd have popped back up into the 160's!

I haven't set foot on the treadmill. :( My right shin is super ticked off at me and my left one is a tiny bit peeved. I'm going to give them both a nice long break. I've got a scrappy retreat coming up this weekend, and I'm not going back on that treadmill until I get back.

So, nothing other than floor exercises and Pilates until a week from Tuesday. I'm hoping I actually get off my tuckus enough to do that much. I leave on this trip on Thursday, hopefully in the afternoon. And, I'm so not packed! LOL!

I hope you're doing better than I! And, I'll see you when I get back if not before!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kinda nervous!

I'm pretty sure tomorrow's not going to be a good weigh in day. I was pretty bad Super Bowl weekend and I've only worked out once this week.

I got the book Chi Running, because I'd heard good things about it and how it helps people run injury free. Well, all I got from Chi Running was Chi Shin Splints. Fail! :(

I think I'll just be walking on my treadmill for a while now. And, I need to be walking every day and when I get back to running, I need to walk on my "off days". Sunday needs to be my only off day. It is really easy for me to get lazy. :)

Check back tomorrow for my latest weigh in and a quick report on how walking with shin splints goes.

If it goes poorly, I may have to take a week off. I hate shin splints! :p

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week 5 Weigh In & Feb's Photos

Hey guys! I weighed in this morning and I'm holding steady at 159.2. I've been eating well, just snacking too much. That's so my downfall. :(

I also took my pics on the 2nd so here they are!

I think I look a little slimmer in the midsection but it's hard to tell. Six pounds just ain't that much! Note to self, smiling definitely helps and maybe try a little make-up next time. LOL!

I'm going to admit that I'm having a rough time heading out to the treadmill today. Just not feelin' it. I'm going to have to up my motivation level somehow! Just not sure how. Any ideas???